We judge everything... if we really listen to the words that come out of our mouth, we are most of the time, judging someone or something. Time to stop judging.
Without judgment we have peace.
Be aware of the comments and the words that come out of your mouth. Are they coming from your old hurts and your conditioned intellect or from your heart and the wisdom within you. Be kind to yourself each time you see a judgment and change your narrative. You will feel happier, better and more peaceful and this will have a very positive impact on the energy in the world.
When you hear yourself judging yourself... take a breath and stop. Tell yourself you are doing your best... make a short list of things you might need to do to help you feel a sense of purpose, move, smile, stretch and say 'wow, well done, you are brilliant.' Keep creating from your heart... your loves, your wishes, your dreams, your desires. Any time you hear a judgment .... re wire the narrative to can, create, am, possibility, potential....
Lets do this together, lets let go of judgment and create a peaceful world!
Love, Light and Laughter lovely peeps
Me xxx